Yet Another mnml Update

Another round of exciting mnml updates adding features requested by some community members.

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A minor update to 2.3.2 today adding some missing Collections Lightbox and Bookshelf CSS, and adding feature details to the README file.

Modifying the Color Scheme

You can customize the color scheme and some other setting of mnml directly within the dashboard using CSS.

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The mnml Settings Explained

This post helps to explain the different options mnml has to customize your blog.

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A Small Update and a New Site

Some mnml theme news: A couple of tweaks and a new dedicated site.

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Finally, this is a long Short Posts category post without a title that’s more than 300 characters using the “<!–more–>” tag to insert a break. There will be a “Continue reading →” link after this sentence.

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A Long Post Title Using a "More" Break

This is a long Long Posts category post with a title that’s more than 300 characters using the “<!–more–>” tag to insert a break. There will be a “Continue reading →” link after this sentence.

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A Long Post with Title

This is a long Long Posts category post with a title and more than 300 characters. There will be truncation of content for this post after a few sentences. Lorem ipsum dolor sit met, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu cursus lorem, ut vulputate libero. Sed nec purus a urna ornare condimentum vel quis augue. Sed eget accumsan nibh, quis ultricies dolor. Done eget odio eleifend, comido massa vitae, lacinia nunc. Vestibule vel nisi rhoncus ligula lobortis imperdiet.

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This is a long Short Posts category post with more than 300 characters. There will be no truncation of content for this post.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit met, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu cursus lorem, ut vulputate libero. Sed nec purus a urna ornare condimentum vel quis augue. Sed eget accumsan nibh, quis ultricies dolor. Done eget odio eleifend, comido massa vitae, lacinia nunc. Vestibule vel nisi rhoncus ligula lobortis imperdiet. Prooien postere tellus et cursus porta. Curabitur porttitor sapin ut lestés dictum lobortis. Vivamus mattis iaculis ullamcorper.

Suspendisse imperdiet, augue at gravida consectetuer, ipsum elit cursus lacs, non accusant purus lectuur sit met est. Sed euismod augue vel tortuur semper bandiet. Curabitur elit leo, sodas a feugiat eget, kommod vitae lorem. Aliquam ut enim in elit elementum molestie id vel urna. Vestibulum molestie lorem nec massa adipiscing, quis elementum locus ultraces. Etiam porta elit turpis, faucibus ornare massa consequat ac. Nullam id felis at neque varius euismod eu eu sappen. Etiam id fermentum ligula, ac fermentum veilt.

This is a short Short Posts category post with less than 300 characters. There will be no truncation of content for this post.

Photo Collection

This is what a photo collection looks like. There’s no need to use a plugin for this feature.

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Auto-generated description: A narrow river winds through verdant, steep cliffs in a dramatic canyon landscape.

Auto-generated description: A rocky coastline is bathed in the soft light of sunset with calm ocean waters and a colorful sky.

Auto-generated description: A serene landscape features a river flowing through a lush forest at the base of rugged mountains under a colorful sky.

Auto-generated description: Three towering rock formations rise prominently amidst a landscape of rolling hills and a partly cloudy sky.

Auto-generated description: A person stands triumphantly on a cliff edge overlooking a breathtaking scene of clouds and a glowing sunset.

Auto-generated description: A serene lake reflects the silhouettes of distant mountains and a small hut as sunlight streams through the misty landscape.

Auto-generated description: A winding road leads towards a jagged mountain under dramatic, cloudy skies.

Auto-generated description: A picturesque landscape features rolling green hills with a distant view of a volcanic mountain under a cloudy sky.

Auto-generated description: Snow-capped mountains are illuminated by soft pink light under a clear sky, with a barren, rocky foreground.