The mnml Settings Explained
Saturday, January 25, 2025
This post helps to explain the different options mnml has to customize your blog.
The Settings
Custom header icon
You can select a custom header icon to display if you’d rather not use your user profile image.
Simply select any image that can be browsed on the internet and insert the link in the field. I recommend using square images no bigger than 512 pixels on each side.
Fediverse creator
Mastodon 4.3 adds support for a newly proposed OpenGraph tag to identify the creator of a link shared on Mastodon.
For more information about what it means and how to set this up for your own Mastodon username, check out this post on the Mastodon blog.
Home page category
If you’d like to show posts from a specific category on your home page instead of all posts, enter the category name here. Leaving it blank will show all posts.
Show full posts on homepage
By default, mnml will display summary posts on the home page. Enabling this option will output full length posts on the home page.
Photos category
If you’d like to show your photos from just a specific category on the photos page, enter the name of that category here, as in the example above.
If you’d like for all images to be displayed regardless of category, simply leave the setting blank.
Use photos masonry layout
mnml comes with two different photo layout options: grid and masonry. Grid will display images in square sizing regardless of size, and masonry will fit images together, maintaining their full size in the layout.
Experiment with this setting. Personally, I like the masonry layout myself.
Show wider photos page
Some people may not like the more narrow layout of the blog default for their photos page, so an option was added to show the page just a little wider.
Experiment with this setting too. I like the wider page myself.
Show categories on archive pages
Enabling this option will include button links to each category at the top of your Archive page, allowing users to easily view posts from a specific category. Disabling the setting hides the buttons.
Hide footer credits
Finally, if showing footer credits for other people’s work on your blog is not your thing, you can hide them by enabling this setting.
This choice is entirely up to you.
Questions and Comments
If you have questions or comments, please do get in touch with me.